Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

Zanzibar..last night

Jambo :-)

Hope, you're o.k.

I'm good. I spent the last 1 1/2 days in Zanzibar and am enjoying the home of my friend Ruth and her boyfriend Khamis. It's good to see old friends again and be able to talk in your mother tongue after traveling for more than one month now. It is also good to see all the people again on Zanzibar and to catch up with the newest gossips ;-). Tomorrow, unfortunately, we'll move on to the mainland and that means back to long truck drives again. Anyway, I'm not too sad as I'll be back in Zanzibar in more or less a weeks time. So, it's a short bye bye :-)

Nothing really happened here apart from chilling and eating and of course, the compulsory booze cruise. Which wasn't as crazy as the one in Livingstone, but very relaxing. Mick got seasick though and didn't enjoy the cruise nor the booze, pole sana. We however enjoyed a beautiful scenery and a beautiful sunset..yipiieee

No pictures again, sorry, however I'll try to upload some next week when I'm back in beautiful Zanzibar and have more time to figure out how to to it. Pretty much, that's it.

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