I'm back. Yesterday morning there was a little surprise waiting for me when I got up although I didn't realise it until 1 p.m. Almost on time for eastern the eggs of Diana hatched and the result you see in the pictures above. We were hoping for more than 4 chicks but it seems that there won't be more. But 4 is better than nothing, isn't it? So now, we're having 10 chickens in da house and 5 of them get out every morning at 6 and come back every night at 6 the other 5 are in the house up to now that's because the little ones are only 2 days old and not yet ready for the big world waiting outside. I'm a bit scared to let them out anyway. What if they got eaten by a crow? Or even worse by these nasty ants which are around. So, me the substitute chicken mama is worried about the little ones and wished chicken mama Ruth was here. But I'll handle it somehow.
Not much else happened till my last entry. I've had a late night visit from a cow which almost knocked me of my feet. I was walked home by Boss and went in the house just to go out again to get my laundry. So I got out the door and see something in the grass in the corner of the garden. I looked at it and realised it was biiiggg, my brain said: holy crab a lion. But then my conscience said: bullshit, not possible remember Zanzibar. So I had a second look and discovered the cow. Slowly, slowly I walked over to my laundry (Zanzibar cows can be nasty and I was a tiny bit scared) got my laundry and walked back to the house as quick as I could. My brain started to work again inside the house and the following thoughts went through it: What if this nasty cow is going to eat Ruth' plants? Should I call Khamis? But what will I tell him?
I decided that cows don't eat at night and went to my room. I lay down to read a little when I suddenly heard a noise in front of my window. Fear kick in again. I thought: Hm, what should I do? What if someone is outside checkin' out the house? I decided to go and have a look. And you know what? The bloody cow was outside my window eating. I mean, HELLO aren't they supposed to sleep at night? After a little while I went to bed, in the morning the cow was gone and Ruth' garden still alive. Ufff ;-)
Hm, that's about it. My exciting life in Zanzibar. Tonight there's supposed to be a birthday party at Cholo's. Who knows maybe I'll have more news after that.
Stay tuned :-)
2 Kommentare:
Jööööhhhhhhh.... ich wott auch chliini Hüenli....
sind aber mit ganz schoen viel arbet verbunde du ;-)
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