Hello, here's the crazy Swiss lady, got a new name. Don't know how that happened anyway it got stuck.
Since apr. 4 days I'm in wonderful Malawi. Apart from the heavy rainfalls it is great here. The people are very nice, very friendly and the country is green and just beautiful.
We crossed the border the 1st February and our first stop was close to Lusaka which is the capitol of Malawi. I was a bit scared of crossing the border because Malawi was one of the only countries I got the visa in advanced. Anyway, the guy at the border looked at my passport for a long time and then started to talk to his colleague. I got a bit nervous just slightly of course no one could tell ;-). After a few seconds, which were hours for me, the guy looked at me and said: You've a Malawian name, you've to stay in Malawi. We will keep you and teach you the culture and everything. Hm, speechless, was my first reaction, laughing the second and my answer was: That's great. So, I'll just stay. Hakuna matata, no problem. That's how they let me in ;-). Don't know why I spent a fortune on that bloody visa, I'm bloody Malawian ;-).
The camp site close to Lusaka was o.k. although not very suitable for rain. Actually, I'm not so sure anymore if it was that camp site, too many camp sites since..holy crab, getting old. Anyway, the camp site I'm talking about was not suitable for rain, too little space at the bar and they had to accommodate 2 trucks which means apr. 30 people. When we got there it didn't rain so we put up our tents in dry weather. As our cook didn't need help, yet, I decided to shower first. Bad idea, when I came out of the shower in fresh clothes and smelling like heaven, the tour leader decided I could clean the truck on the inside...aehae. Great. I was thrilled but did it of course. The truck was all muddy and really bloody dirty so my clothes were ruined after the cleaning and not just that, I was sweaty all over again..wonder why I took that shower. Unfortunately, it started to rain the moment I finished cleaning so I stood in the shade of our plastic roof which quickly filled with water. That's why the truck driver dediced to empty the roof (it is called Blache in Swiss German, no one knows how's called in English ;-)). Lucky me, all the water went down my back and I was soaked..juuuuhhuuu. So I stood there shivering and wet and dirty and just felt great....Thought you might find that amusing. Feel free to laugh.. ;-). At least we stayed dry during the night. With my luck I thought the tent will leak as well.
From Lusaka we travelled on to Kande Beach which is at the lake Malawi. We were all looking forward to spend some time at the beach, enjoy the sun reading and going for a swim in the lake. We didn't ask the gods though. We spent 2 full days at lake Malawi and the rain was true to us. The first day it cleared up at around 5 pm so we went for a swim anyway. But the second day it kept on raining. Fortunately, the bar had some cosy places to shelter us. So, we could read anyway and we sure had a good time. Especially last night.
As our last big night was in Livingstone, it was time for another one. After all we're on holyday ;-). The Acacia truck joined us at the camp and as we're now friends with them they joined in drinking. It was great and got a bit out of control. There were two Swedish buses camping too, the Sweds slept on the roof of their buses, no one knows why, to get on top of the buses the needed ladder which they didn't take up during the night. Very tempting it was and the boys got tempted and by midnight the first ladder was removed from the truck. Proudly, the boys walked through the bar with the ladder and got a big applause for it. aehae. That's when the Intrepid girls decided to go to bed. On the way to the bathroom we heard noise a lot of noise and discovered that the second ladder was missing too. Unfortunately, the Sweds discovered that too. So, trouble was on the way. Our tour guide had to calm the Sweds and the security guard theartened with arrest if the ladders weren't returned....Yes, I'm having fun on my trip. It is great....
Today, everybody is a bit down, some hangovers are being cured...We're still in Malawi. Tomorrow we'll cross the border to Tanzania. Pretty much that's it. Hope you liked it and stay tuned.
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1 Kommentar:
Have fun in Tanzania!!! Let us know how that goes! I wish I could be there for that! :(
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